Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beware of cranky bus drivers!

Today when I got off the train and went to the bus stop it was really crowded. Apparently the bus was running late and so that allowed the number of people waiting to get huge. While people were loading on the bus, it got pretty full. After the bus was so full that the driver didn't think it would hold any more people, she shut the door. Somebody outside complained about being hit by the door but she said she really didn't care. (I know from experience that the bus could have held a few more people. It did the night before.) Because we were so full, she didn't really stop much to pick up other passengers until after some had got off. She also drove like a woman possessed. I had given up my seat to a pregnant woman and I was glad I did for her sake. I really got jostled around standing up. I was very happy when some people got off and I could take a seat.

Tomorrow is the last day of my internship. I am sad. I have had a great time and learned a lot. I feel like I am just getting to know the people there. This afternoon Sarah and I had a lesson in book repair from the book conservator at the NEHGS. It was fascinating. I actually got to do some of the work. The woman who does it was so nice and did an excellent job of explaining every step of the process and about the materials that are used. What a great day!!

PS I found a great mystery that involves family history, slavery, and quilts. What a perfect fit for me? I think I read 60 pages today (in my free time).

1 comment:

Amy said...

Awww...I'm sad you're leaving, too. :(