Friday, May 23, 2008


I had a very interesting adventure today. Once again it involved some aspect of public transportation. I was waiting peacefully for the bus this morning when I heard a rustling noise in the bushes behind me. I turned around to see what it was, hoping to catch a glimpse of some cat or dog from the neighborhood. Imagine my shock when I saw that it was a skunk! Yes! Pepe LePew lives in Watertown, Mass!

I was easily within spraying range and so I decided to just stand quietly and keep an eye on him. If he started to come my way, I would just walk away from him quietly and slowly so as not to frighten him. I wanted to be the only one who was worried. Fortunately for me he decided to head off in the other direction and so I just continued my wait for the bus.

Who would have thought you could have skunks in the middle of the city. They must come along the river I guess. Who knows! I hope I don't see him again.

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